
Interpol Red Notices

In light of globalisation, crossing borders has become a mere bureaucratic formality, and the international community has developed a universal mechanism to synchronise the efforts of law enforcement agencies worldwide in combating international crime—a central database of wanted individuals.

A Red Notice is one of Interpol’s high-importance tasks. If you find yourself a subject to an Interpol Red Notice, don’t panic and seek immediate protection against the Red Notice from trusted and reliable solicitors. Our solicitors have experience in such situations, and will provide the legal assistance regarding your case.

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What is an Interpol Red Notice?

An Interpol Red Notice is a request to Interpol for an international search; it’s not issued to just anyone. In fact, it’s not an international arrest warrant, as some people mistakenly believe. The significance of a Red Notice in Interpol is more akin to an international alert stating that a specific individual is considered a serious criminal at the national level. The notice can be issued for serious crimes that concern the entire world, including murder, fraud, drug trafficking, terrorism, kidnappings, and major financial offences.

The request displays the following information:

  • The personal details of an individual, including their first name, surname, date of birth, photograph, and biometric data of the person sought, are provided.
  • Details of the crime committed by the individual, who is currently wanted for it. This may also include the time and place of the crime, as well as the circumstances under which it was committed.

The Main Functions of a Red Notice Include:

  • Assistance in apprehending a criminal in any of the alliance countries, as authorities receive advance information about the suspect’s arrival or presence in a particular country.
  • Ensuring a reliable foundation and supporting extradition requests between countries by facilitating the work of law enforcement agencies.
  • Exchanging information with law enforcement agencies about a person of interest, including identification details, a description of the crime they are accused of, and their possible whereabouts.
  • Motivating the authorities of countries to work together.
  • Initiating the search for individuals wanted for committing major crimes for countries around the world.

Discussing what constitutes an Interpol Red Notice, it’s worth noting that it serves as a crucial tool in maintaining global security and law and order, as well as in the international fight against crime.

How to Find Out if There is a Red Notice Against You?

The official Interpol website is one of the first places to check this information. However, ordinary people do not have access to the full range of data. Only law enforcement agencies can access all the data. So how can you check if there is a red notice issued against you? We will explore a method that even an ordinary person can use to check the status of a red notice. If this issue concerns you, this is the method you can use.

Interpol’s Web Page

Although Interpol allows anyone to search for “red notices”, the number of notices published online is minimal. Almost all of them remain confidential, and many individuals who have been issued a “red notice” only find out about it at the border. The reason is straightforward: many countries, when requesting a red notice, specify in their application that this information must be kept secret.

Interpol Files Control Commission (“CCF”)

To access data from the Interpol database, you need to contact the Commission for the Control of Interpol’s Files (CCF). There, you’ll find information regarding any charges against you. Such a procedure will undoubtedly require specialised legal knowledge due to its complexity. The Commission regularly holds quarterly meetings. It is at these meetings that the CCF’s Requests Chamber will review your application.

To receive qualified assistance in preparing your request, as well as during its review, you can turn to our experienced solicitors. With their help, you will definitely find out about your inclusion in Interpol’s Red Notice list. They will provide you with crucial legal advice and support, and also assist with interpreting the responses received.

How to Remove Red Notice?

Let’s start with the fact that it is indeed possible to cancel a red notice. However, to do so, several requirements must be met. Generally, to annul such a decision by Interpol, one must prove that the registration violated the organisation’s charter. This review is conducted by what is known as the Commission for the Control of Files (CCF). The individual concerned is promptly informed in writing by Interpol’s General Secretariat if the CCF decides to annul the red notice. However, this does not give the aforementioned individual carte blanche to move freely around the world. The reason being that the decision to remove or continue the search in Interpol’s system is made individually by each member state.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to an experienced professional if you require legal advice regarding Interpol red notices. The solicitors at our firm are well-versed in Interpol procedures and international criminal law. We are ready to provide you with reliable support and protect your rights. Contact us immediately if you wish for your case to be handled swiftly and effectively. Our lawyers will assist you at any stage of the process involving an Interpol red notice.

Requirements for Removal Requests

If you believe that an Interpol Red Notice has been issued against you unlawfully, you have the right to appeal it. Protecting your rights and rectifying a legal mistake can be challenging, but filing an appeal is very important.

Here’s what you need to do to challenge a red notice:

  • Examine the grounds for appeal. The grounds for an appeal can include political motives, insufficient evidence, human rights violations, or instances where an individual has already faced a similar charge (double jeopardy).
  • Pre-emptive letter to Interpol. If you have reason to believe that Interpol might issue a red notice against you, you can take pre-emptive action by writing to them and explaining why the request violates their rules before it is officially submitted. To ensure you receive the desired response from Interpol, it’s advisable to consult with solicitors who specialise in dealing with such matters.
  • Lifting a Red Notice. Please contact the Interpol Commission for the Control of Files (CCF) if a Red Notice has already been issued. The CCF checks whether the data processing complies with the rules established by Interpol.
How Long Red Notice is Valid?

The validity period of an Interpol red notice is five years, unless Interpol and the government that issued the notice decide to revoke it. After the five-year period has expired, one should not assume they have been revoked; they can be reissued.

To maintain a “red notice” for a longer period, Interpol must first assess it and determine that the initial grounds for its issuance are still valid. This may require the involvement of several countries, for example, for procedures related to fresh evidence or ongoing criminal investigations.

Can Interpol Red Notices be Misused?

The idea of implementing Interpol’s “red notice” for more effective international legal pursuit is reasonable. In several instances, it aids in identifying the actual criminals and holding them accountable. However, dictatorial and authoritarian governments might exploit the advantages of the Interpol system for their own personal interests.

In 2021 and 2022, a significant number of Interpol’s “red notices” were issued in violation of established rules, leading to their misuse. The widespread use of “red notices” to target specific individuals for economic, political, or personal gain contradicts Interpol’s international guidelines and rules.

How TRAP Act Prevents Abuses?

The legislative measure aimed at combating the misuse of international law enforcement systems, such as Interpol, for purposes of political persecution or personal coercion, is known as the Transnational Repression Accountability and Prevention (TRAP) Act. This law represents an effort to halt the oppressive pursuit of individuals worldwide by prohibiting the use of international law enforcement resources for such ends.

The TRAP law is primarily aimed at:

  1. Monitor and report abuses. The US State Department and other government agencies are required under the TRAP Act to track any instances of abuse of Interpol’s legal procedures and to regularly report on them. One aspect of this work involves identifying cases where Interpol is used for politically motivated persecution.
  2. Diplomatic measures. Legislation permits the use of diplomatic channels to combat abuses and facilitates global discussion and cooperation to ensure compliance with Interpol standards and international law.
  3. Victim Protection. The TRAP law establishes a fund to assist those who have fallen victim to abuses by foreign law enforcement agencies. Within this framework, specialists from law firms can help them protect their rights in international organisations and achieve the cancellation of discriminatory “red notices”.
  4. Support for Interpol reforms. The law backs changes in Interpol that will make the organisation more transparent, enhance vetting processes, and ensure the issuance of international notices in accordance with international legal requirements.

What is Interpol’s Refuge Policy

Interpol’s policy regarding refugees governs the issuance of red notices for refugees and asylum seekers. This policy aims to assist member states in preventing criminals from abusing refugee status, as well as to protect the rights of refugees in accordance with the 1951 Convention and other relevant treaties.

Following this approach, the General Secretariat or the Commission for the Control of Interpol’s Files (CCF) meticulously assesses each request for a “red notice” or a “refugee notice”. The processing of “red notices” and “refugee notices” is prohibited under certain conditions:

  • confirmed refugee or asylum seeker status;
  • individuals fear for their safety because they request a notification or postal delivery from the place where the persecution is widespread;
  • The decision to grant refugee status is not influenced by political considerations regarding the country seeking asylum.

Sometimes the issuance of “red notices” and “refugee alerts” is denied. In such cases, the seeking country and the asylum country must exchange information to reassess the refugee’s status. Interpol allows the issuance and processing of “red notices” if the countries providing asylum revoke the refugee’s status due to new information.

Under the legislation, members of the Alliance are required to constantly check and update Interpol databases during asylum application processes. This helps to prevent the granting of refugee status to known threats. Therefore, all participants must be informed when a country denies refugee status based on an individual’s criminal history.

Which of our lawyers work with Interpol Red Notices?

Dmytro Konovalenko, is a lawyer with many years of experience in dealing with the Interpol and extradition cases. Dmytro has successfully challenged extradition for clients from Europe, Asia, the Far East.

Anatoliy Yarovyi, lawyer, Doctor of Laws. Anatoliy specializes in appeals against INTERPOL Red Notices and extradition requests.

Seeking Red Notice Lawyer?

Upon receiving a red notice from Interpol, there’s no need to panic. Our solicitors here at Intercollegiate are on hand to assist you. With extensive experience in dealing with Interpol red notices, our team is ready to offer you support and guidance at every stage of your case. We will accompany you to court, help gather evidence of your innocence, and conduct negotiations on your behalf with Interpol and other authorities. You’ll be able to oversee the entire process, as well as receive advice and recommendations from our staff.

If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to Intercollegium. We’re ready to provide you with expert help and protect your rights. Contact us today to resolve any issue with an Interpol red notice.

Dr. Anatoliy Yarovyi
Senior Partner
Anatoliy Yarovyi is a doctor of Law, holds a Master’s degree in Law from Lviv University and Stanford University. He was one of the candidates for a judgeship at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Specializes in representing clients’ interests at the ECHR and Interpol in matters concerning extradition, personal and business reputation, data protection, and freedom of movement.



    How to Get an INTERPOL Background Check?

    To get an INTERPOL background check, it is necessary to submit your request to the Commission for the Control of INTERPOL (CCF). The request must meet Inteprol requirements. It is advisable to consult a lawyer who specializes in international law or criminal records. A lawyer can help you understand the requirements, ensure all necessary documents are correctly submitted, and assist in addressing any legal implications that may arise from the background check.

    What Does INTERPOL Actually Do?

    INTERPOL facilitates international police cooperation to combat transnational crime. It maintains crime databases, issues notices like Red Notices for arrest, coordinates international operations, provides training and resources, focuses on specific crimes with specialized units, operates a secure communication network, and assists in disaster response.

    How Does INTERPOL Work?

    INTERPOL operates by facilitating international law enforcement cooperation among its member countries. Each member country has an NCB (National Central Bureaus) that serves as the main point of contact with INTERPOL. Organization maintains databases on criminals, stolen property, missing persons, fingerprints, and DNA profiles, accessible to all member countries. INTERPOL issues various notices, such as Red Notices for locating and arresting individuals, and other notices for identifying persons or warning about criminal activities. It supports international operations, joint investigations, and provides specialized training and resources.

    What is an INTERPOL Red Notice?

    An INTERPOL Red Notice is a request to law enforcement worldwide to locate and provisionally arrest a person pending extradition, surrender, or similar legal action. It is issued at the request of a member country based on a valid national arrest warrant.

    How do I challenge an Interpol Red Notice?

    We can help you find out if you have a Red Notice. We can also make a preliminary request. It is often the case that, before being placed on the Interpol wanted list, a person, due to the existence of high profile or politically motivated criminal proceedings infected against them, admits to being placed on the red notice wanted Interpol red list. Given this fact, he is entitled to apply to the Commission for an advance. Upon receipt of information about a false or unconfirmed accusation, a special Interpol Red Notice advice may decide to remove the suspect from the Interpol red notice list. This helps to block Red Notice and prepare your defense. In addition, we can help you to prepare your case and appeal against your unlawful Red Notice. Interpol red notice investigation law firms can also provide Interpol red notice defense.
